Should I start a blog? Whatever your reason for blogging, there are many benefits to joining literally millions of other people and starting your own blog and there is no time like the present!

Blogging can be a fantastic way to build an audience whether it be because you just want to write about your hobby and have others read what you write, or perhaps because you are interested in working from home and building an income online.

So let’s take a look, in this post, at 10 great reasons why starting your own blog is a great idea and also how you can get started.

How We Started Blogging

We started blogging many years ago and our main business now brings us in a 5-figure income and the key source for driving people to that business has been through blogging (take a look at the blog and you’ll see the kind of content which keep adding).

I’ve mentioned our other blog so that you can see that rather than just blogging on this site about how to blog, we have been there and done it and are now making a living ourselves from having a blog.

By the way, the answer to “should I blog” is absolutely! Yes! And here’s why.

We blog to make a living but it does not have to be for money.

If you really just want to share your book reviews with your friends online through a blog, or post cat photos and a write-up about the photos, that is absolutely fine too.

A blog can be whatever you want and need it to be.

The chances are though, that if you are reading this then you are interested in making money from your blog. So let’s get started and look at why you SHOULD start a blog!

1. Develop an Income Working from Home

Working from home blogging

Certainly one of the greatest benefits for many of us bloggers is the chance to work from home and to have the chance to shape our own workday.

How would you like to decide what hours of the day you want to work?

Having the chance to be totally flexible in terms of the hours of the day and days of the week you work, is certainly possible if you begin to make a living as a blogger.

Many people ask us if it is realistic to be able to make a living by blogging and yes, you absolutely can.

I am not saying that it is easy to make money by blogging in that you will, just like any job, need to put in some real hours and graft, but many people do make a living online blogging.

Take a look at our previous post on the best-paid bloggers.

Whatever your niche and no matter how many specialists already exist in your niche, there is always space for another blogger. So why not consider also making money from blogging?

2. Network and Meet New People from Around the World

Online blogging friends

Blogging also affords you the opportunity to connect with people from all around the world. The Internet in this respect is really an amazing tool at your fingertips.

No matter what you blog about, you can be sure that there is an audience online for you given that there are no geographical borders limiting who can read your blog and given that there are bound to be many people in the world somewhere online, with similar interests.

The world is your oyster, as the saying goes, and this is very true when it comes to networking online.

Want to get to know people, make friends, and build potential business contacts with others who have the same interests as you?

You might be a stay-at-home mom whose specialty is creating colorful and stylish kids’ clothes.

You might be someone who gives tips on gaming or someone who reads books all the time and wants to start an online book club.

You may love cats and want to start blogging about ‘how to’ cats?

Whatever you love as a hobby or love to spend your time doing, you can blog about it and if you do, you will begin to attract other people from around the world, with the same interest/s.

The key is to create high-quality content, i.e. to write good content that people will find interesting and informative.

If you do, they will most likely return to your blog time and time again to read more, enabling you to build an audience.

One of the best ways to retain your audience also is to build an email list so that you can also send out an email to inform your followers every time you have posted a new blog post.

3. A Chance to Spread Good Through Blogging

Many people also use blogging as a way to do very positive things and do try to improve the world.

Examples can include those who use blogging to bring awareness of:

  • Issues and how to manage with a disability and raising awareness of this topic, as Emma Purcell and her colleagues do at Disability Horizons.
  • Mental health awareness
  • Raising money for a charity and promoting it through blogging.
  • The preservation of endangered species such as elephants such as they do on Save the Elephants.

Whilst there is a lot of trash on the Internet, there is also a lot of fantastic and informative content online and there are many people do very positive things online. You can too! 🙂

4. Learn New Skills and Build Confidence

I get asked these questions time and time again and these as you will see, relate to your own learning and blogging experience once you get started:

  • I am not the best writer in the world. Can I still blog?
  • I have seen that other people already blog about what I want to blog about. Is it worth me still starting a blog?
  • What if people don’t like what I write? Will my blog posts be good enough?

These three questions above all relate to your own journey and how you will develop as a blogger. Let me explain.

The more you blog, the better your writing you will become, the more of an expert in your niche you will become, and, you will develop an understanding of your own audience and their needs. Blogging is a journey!

As a blogger, you will develop numerous skills such as writing, research, and expertise around your chosen blogging topic.

5. Have a Voice in the World

Having a blogging voice

There is a real sense of freedom and something very exciting about having a voice in this world and being able to reach people in all corners of the world.

Whatever you want to blog about, there is always an audience online and people who will read and listen to what you have to say.

Once you do start blogging, you will quickly find that there are those who want to hear your voice and who share your interest, feelings, and passion.

Blogging is a powerful tool and can be incredibly empowering and you also have the chance, as mentioned earlier, to combine this voice with making a living online if you wish to!

6. It’s the Cheapest Way to Start a Business

You might have already read the post I wrote about ‘How to Start an Online Business for Less than $100 or £100“. If you haven’t already then it might be worth a read.

If you are looking for a new opportunity to start a new business working for yourself blogging can help you to:

  • Start a business with incredibly minimal costs (as mentioned, you need no more than £100/$100 and you can start your business).
  • Add content online to draw people to whatever you are selling so by blogging you are doing the marketing yourself.
  • Save on otherwise needing a physical location and storage costs, as you would need in many offline businesses. You can build a business online and sell digital products and that brings me to the next point below!

7. Scalable and Passive Income

Making passive income by blogging
Making money while you sleep

If there are two words you will want to remember when it comes to blogging and making money online, then the two words are “scalable” and “passive. Let me explain both.


For bloggers and making an income online, the word ‘scalable’ normally refers to being able to sell the same digital product multiple times.

So imagine you write an eBook. You can then sell the same eBook not just once but 100 or even 1000 times. You cannot do this with a normal book right? You can’t sell the same book 1000 times.


So with income made online, imagine if you are laying on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii and that you make sales whilst sunbathing.

As you relax on the beach, someone on the other side of the world might buy your eBook. So passive in this case refers to making money whilst you are doing other things.

The idea, in the long-term with making money online as a blogger, is to build a business that is scalable and that can provide passive income.

The best way to do this can be to sell digital products and to use blogging as the vehicle for building an audience online, an audience that you then turn into customers by building trust with them first.

8. Become Known as an Expert in Your Field

If you would love to become an expert in your field or want to build confidence and develop expertise online, then blogging is a great way to get started.

Remember one thing – you do not have to be the expert when you start blogging!

The more you blog and read and learn from what your competitors have written and the more you research online the greater your own expertise will become.

You will develop into being an expert as a blogger!

9. Opportunity to Travel While Your Work

The digital lifestyle affords you an incredible opportunity in that if you can start to earn income as a blogger (if that is something you are willing and interested to do of course) then you can work anywhere where you can get online.

With the introduction worldwide of co-working spaces and with internet access these days something that most people expect to have access to when they travel, working from anywhere in the world has become decidedly easier in recent years.

The introduction of 5G technologies is making it yet even easier to work from anywhere as you can also create your own WiFi hotspot using a cellphone.

10. Building an Online Resume (CV) to Showcase Your Work

By having an online presence through your blog, it also gives you a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and knowledge and to let the world know that you exist and to see what you do.

Your blog, in other words, can act much like an online CV (resume). Without being online it is hard to be found and blogging really makes is so much easier for the right people to find you.

Just be careful that you portray the image online that best represents you. By this, I do NOT mean to Photoshop images to make yourself look pretty. What I do mean though is that you might want to try and avoid being unnecessarily controversial or argumentative online, for example.

The form you have selected does not exist.

Paul & Valeria